What would keep a fan interested in a boxing game?

What would keep the different kinds of videogame & boxing fan interested?

Please help me establish this list and document. Let me know if you think I should add another category or take something away. Suggestions and ideas can repeat in each category if you think they fit.

Casual fans:
-The options to create a large amount boxers that they can't sign,past and present, including all divisions and all champions, individually rated in over three dozen categories. 

- Improved use of between round strategies; actual interaction if you choose to take over the role of a trainer or cut man
-single and double elimination tournaments
-adjustable career stages for retired fighters 
-Detailed training and Diet Modes
-Deep Creation Mode with detailed info for boxers
-Belts, create a belt
Hardcore fans:
-The options to create a large amount boxers that they can't sign,past and present, including all divisions and all champions, individually rated in over three dozen categories.

-Top Ten Lists and Organizational Rankings
A boxing game should include twenty-two specific Top Ten categories. Those categories, should result in over 1500 different lists. There should be a list of the ten fighters who average the most punches per round in ten or more fights. Make it more specific by modifying the parameters to include a specific division, or a specific nationality, or for a specific year! 
-Deep AI and tendencies sliders
-CPU vs CPU match making or watching (optional)
-Statistics are one of the major driving forces in sports; and while boxing doesn't lend itself to stats the way a team sport does, a boxing game can provide almost every statistic possible and do it so in a number of unique ways, and go well beyond the expected "won/lost/knockouts" stats. 

- Improved use of between round strategies; actual interaction if you choose to take over the role of a trainer or cut man
-single and double elimination tournaments
-adjustable career stages for retired fighters 
-Detailed training and Diet Modes
-Deep Creation Mode with detailed info for boxers

Boxing fans:
-The options to create a large amount boxers that they can't sign,past and present, including all divisions and all champions, individually rated in over three dozen categories. 
-CPU VS. CPU so fans can watch matches making bets or try to predict real life fights.
-Deep CPU AI and Tendencies to create boxers as close as possible to their real life counterparts.
-Statistics are one of the major driving forces in sports; and while boxing doesn't lend itself to stats the way a team sport does, a boxing game can provide almost every statistic possible and do it so in a number of unique ways, and go well beyond the expected "won/lost/knockouts" stats. 

-Top Ten Lists and Organizational Rankings
A boxing game should include twenty-two specific Top Ten categories. Those categories, should result in over 1500 different lists. There should be a list of the ten fighters who average the most punches per round in ten or more fights. Make it more specific by modifying the parameters to include a specific division, or a specific nationality, or for a specific year! 
-Belts and Organizations
- Improved use of between round strategies; actual interaction if you choose to take over the role of a trainer or cut man
-single and double elimination tournaments
-adjustable career stages for retired fighters 
-Detailed training and Diet Modes
-Deep Creation Mode with detailed info for boxers

Pool of Referees

Create a Ref

Create A Arena(Editable)

Create a Fight Card

Levels of competition or Groups

Setting Rules/Organization Rules(era precific)

Announcer pool(editable)

Corner men pool(editable)

Create A Judge

Judge Pool

Nations and Countries(Editable)

Create A Tournament

*This is mostly for modes other than Player vs. Player
Weight Divisions(editable)

Read more: http://boxinggamewishlist.proboards.com/thread/3/keep-fan-interested-boxing-game#ixzz2d6CAVglI


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